this be whatdone after various freesale testware, memakes thinkin not easier maken my own programmes, glad im noones secretary
will return to old programmen JASC ‘n c++ macros
a voice told me 10000 of these, new ones
maybe they’ll realize what the human psyche is able to estimate
(thought’s were on dune, lenin, my sysop master, and my friend + me in combination)
(realized he knows what a mirror me as_randomgenerated image would look like)
(THINK you must, estimate also)
(and no photoes were used createn this image)
today’s challenge/event is: if you think I can make this again exactly the same, you make it 1st
‘sketches anonymous’
Eversince little has grown on only my own publishes. The proposition arose evident.
Supposen someone would share interest.
/; contributions
comments accepted…NOTICE ZIT for NEWSLETTER essentially free…
(maybe I could afford the software…)
(estimate government scholarship on these artes…)