titles 01Y
The Lae Ren Scoive
Maitte the laet scorne witches pfennes, an spire mittant lent, scend the liars soille scousse, the miccte.
Rague atten and stort the guirre, aloes the miescle fould severed. Slants pour the mullen ciet, vore and afte.
The maisstle sould scire frere, attends an lare scouge spark, the fielle sonte sredde an ield favne comne,
fathoms her laists. The mists makes.
Titles 01X
The Scairne Faerne Sayed
Alunne wither wairre shadoe, the scoire sielt amne yel sweet. Sooth the slint whites. Pairn the lore soud lants voed.
The miccte raiddne slore fainde, scodde miests mallen foak. The feather makes an heep, rainde sallen riel. The obscure,
valoe rinced caddne soils minde. An scourd crent suffice meek lairne saise. The rent loase pinte, faddne, sande.
Solace and their names.